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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-06-04 18:02:19    浏览次数:0
The first is to use a large number of "six in one", "eight in one" formaldehyde detector on the market for detection. Its principle is the same as that of test paper, sampling on site, reading data on site through the instrument, printing out a simple report. The price of this kind of detection is relatively cheap, but the data accuracy is not high, so we can only make a preliminary judgment. Moreover, this detection method can not detect benzene series and TVOC. If someone says that it can be detected, it is also artificially set up false data. There are many small companies on the market are currently using this method to detect whether the indoor air exceeds the standard.
Six in one formaldehyde detector
The second is that the door-to-door inspector is only responsible for sampling air samples, and then send the collected samples to a professional laboratory for analysis, and calculate the data, and issue a report within 2-3 working days. The cost of this kind of testing instrument is relatively high, which is hundreds of thousands less and millions more, so there are few such experimental equipment in general unofficial. The main feature of this kind of detection is that the detection data is very accurate. In general, customer detection is to get a more accurate data. If the detection method is not scientific, resulting in inaccurate data, it is a waste of money and misleading for customers.
Atmospheric sampler
The third is the independent third-party testing agency with CMA Testing Qualification to conduct testing and issue cma testing report. The data obtained from the test is as accurate as the second one, and the report issued has legal effect, which can be used to deal with housing purchase disputes or project inspection. The requirements for laboratories to have cma testing qualification are very strict, and there are not many organizations with CMA Testing Qualification in the industry. This kind of test will take a relatively long time to produce a report, generally more than a week, and the price is more expensive among the three tests. Moreover, such testing institutions are generally not open to individual individuals or families.
With the summary of Jinan formaldehyde removal company, we hope to help our customers. If you don't understand or ask for help, please click our website: http://www.kqjczl.cn Or call for consultation, we will do our best to solve it for you
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