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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-07-27 15:49:40    浏览次数:0
In recent years, the topic of formaldehyde has been high fever, especially for home space, formaldehyde problem is particularly serious. According to the data from the indoor environmental protection center, the formaldehyde exceeding rate of newly decorated houses in three years is as high as 90%. I believe many people have doubts, why we do a lot of formaldehyde treatment, formaldehyde treatment rate is still so high?
There are two reasons. One is the characteristic of formaldehyde. The volatilization period of formaldehyde is as long as 3-15 years. Once the correct control measures are not taken, the formaldehyde released by indoor formaldehyde emission sources will continue to accumulate in the indoor air for a long time, thus exceeding the standard.
Second, some unreliable formaldehyde treatment methods were used, such as the popular green plants and activated carbon bags. Although both of them have a certain adsorption capacity for formaldehyde, their adsorption capacity is relatively small. If formaldehyde concentration is too high, green plants will wither and necrosis, and activated carbon will cause secondary pollution. If according to the amount of ordinary household use, such as a few pots of green plants or bags of activated carbon, removing formaldehyde is like a dream.
In addition, there is another situation. Under the high pressure of formaldehyde exceeding the standard, some owners will choose the formaldehyde treatment agency for one-time formaldehyde treatment. After treatment, formaldehyde will be tested on site to meet the standard, even to ensure "permanent effectiveness". But in fact, this is only to purify the free formaldehyde in the air. In the future, formaldehyde will still exceed the standard.
There are three kinds of formaldehyde in indoor air. One is free formaldehyde, which we can deal with. The other is attached to the surface of the release source. Third, it is in the internal combination state of release sources. With the passage of time, the formaldehyde in these two states will slowly volatilize into free formaldehyde, which can be treated and will harm our health. However, we can't change the process, so formaldehyde treatment must be sustainable.
When it comes to sustainability, air purifiers that can continuously improve indoor air quality are very consistent with the characteristics of formaldehyde, especially some brands favored by consumers. It is based on the characteristics of formaldehyde, the development of targeted purification technology, not only can quickly absorb formaldehyde, but also can decompose into carbon dioxide and water, constantly reduce the concentration of formaldehyde, so that we are far away from formaldehyde exceeding the standard.