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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-06-22 18:56:58    浏览次数:0
The problem of formaldehyde exceeding standard has always been a headache for everyone after the new decoration. Although many friends pay more attention to the choice of materials, they still haven't got rid of formaldehyde after decoration. After all, formaldehyde is a colorless and tasteless gas at the initial stage of its release. It is very difficult to know its existence, so we need to judge whether formaldehyde exceeds the standard according to some symptoms. So what is the initial reaction of formaldehyde exceeding the standard?
1. Dyspnea
There is still a difference between formaldehyde gas and normal air. If you breathe formaldehyde gas every day, especially if the formaldehyde exceeds the standard, you don't even have a breath of fresh air. It's very uncomfortable to breathe. Only those who have experienced it can understand this feeling.
2. Dizziness
Formaldehyde is sensitive to respiratory tract. When formaldehyde exceeds the standard seriously, it will cause dizziness and brain hypoxia.
3. Cough
Excessive formaldehyde will cause a strong cough, formaldehyde has a strong irritant, when the human body inhales high concentration of formaldehyde, it will be seriously stimulated, resulting in edema.
4. Eye discomfort
When indoor formaldehyde exceeds the standard, the eyes are also prone to some abnormal conditions, such as dry and uncomfortable eyes, and even tears.
5. Skin allergy
If formaldehyde exceeds the standard, it may also cause skin allergy. When it is common, skin rash will appear, especially on the face, hands, neck and other parts. If one day unexplained skin reddening situation, think about whether the environment air is not very good?
6. Weakened resistance
When air pollution occurs in your environment, such as excessive formaldehyde or other harmful gases, it will lead to the decline of human immunity, resulting in colds, fever and cough.
It's impossible to prevent formaldehyde from exceeding the standard, so parents should pay special attention to it. Especially when they have just finished decorating or bought new furniture, they should pay attention to ventilation. If they find any abnormality in their families and children, they'd better go to a doctor for diagnosis as soon as possible. Never be careless