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来源:http://www.kqjczl.cn    添加日期:2020-04-06 11:15:55    浏览次数:0
  I don't know if you have a headache about formaldehyde pollution caused by home decoration, so what's a good way for us to avoid formaldehyde? To solve this problem, we found a formaldehyde treatment company to solve this problem for us. Experts specially found some good treatment methods for us in several places where formaldehyde is easy to appear.
  First of all, clothing: some illegal manufacturers often add formaldehyde to the fabric in order to make the clothing wrinkle proof, shrink proof, flame retardant, fade proof and feel good; when processing wall cloth, carpet, clothing, bedding and other textiles, they also often use adhesives containing formaldehyde. Therefore, we should try to avoid buying clothes that have been anti wrinkle treated, non ironing, bleached, and printed on the pattern very hard. When buying clothes, we should smell whether there is an irritant smell on them. For the sake of safety, we'd better fully soak and rinse them with clear water after buying back the clothes.
  Secondly, food: in the national standard "Hygienic standard for the use of food additives", formaldehyde is explicitly prohibited. However, due to the strong anti-corrosion ability of formaldehyde aqueous solution, which can prolong the shelf life of food, some traders who lack the conditions of freezing and preservation, in order to keep the food from spoiling and increase the weight, they use formaldehyde to soak hairy tripe, shutter, squid, tendon, sea cucumber, squid, jellyfish and shrimp. Before purchasing food, consumers should carefully check the food manufacturer, certificate of conformity, hygiene inspection certificate and other signs, especially for the fresh, thick and strong hair food.
  Finally, room: according to the indoor air quality standard of China, the indoor formaldehyde concentration standard shall not exceed 0.10mg/m3. Due to the strong adhesion and insect resistance function of formaldehyde, formaldehyde series adhesives are mostly used in various kinds of wood-based panels used in poor decoration and furniture, and formaldehyde is often contained in interior wall coatings, paints, fillers and house insulation layer, with a release period of 3-15 years.
  据相关资料统计:90%以上的幼儿白 血病患者是住进新装修房一年内患病的,其中,甲醛被确认为头号有害物质。因此,居室装修选材时,应查看甲醛含量,选择、无害、无污染的装饰材料,选择有资质、正规的装饰公司,切不可贪图便宜、上当受骗。
  According to relevant data statistics: more than 90% of childhood leukemia patients are sick within one year after they live in the newly decorated room, among which formaldehyde is confirmed as the number one harmful substance. Therefore, when choosing materials for room decoration, we should check the formaldehyde content, select non-toxic, harmless and pollution-free decoration materials, select qualified and regular decoration companies, and never be greedy for cheapness and deceived.
  Experts in decoration and deodorization strongly suggest that: after the house is decorated, relevant testing departments should be invited to check whether the indoor formaldehyde content is qualified, and appropriate measures should be taken to reduce pollution. For example: open the electric fan and exhaust fan for doors and windows, put some flowers that can absorb formaldehyde, such as Chlorophytum, iron tree, asparagus, aloe, cactus, etc; Put adsorption purification materials in furniture cabinets and drawers (take them out every 10-15 days, and expose them to the sun in the hot sun to recover the activity and use them repeatedly). In winter, use air purifiers, ozone sterilizers and other devices to clean the indoor air.